Monday, July 30, 2012

Time to Change

Time to change...I always say these words every night and the morning after. However, until now, I am still here..feeling worthless and empty. I want to do something..and yet, I have these doubts to my own capabilities. Can you relate with my dilemma? If you do, then welcome to the club of clueless souls..people who have dreams but do now know how to achieve it.

Can someone help me in my dilemma? I am so lost but I know my goals are. What should I do to break free from this predicament?(sigh)

Time to change! Yes, the words that I always say every morning is the solution.I need to implement changes and it have to start in me. I need to stop from doing the things that do not interest me...Passion, yes, this is important, since doing what you love most will make everything easy and effortless for you.

Time to change...and this time I will succeed achieving my goals. I have no problem with my goals because I have them ever since I realize that life is just too short to be involved in nonsense things. All I need is to ignite that passion within me and move closer to my goal.

Do yo agree with me? If you do, then welcome to the newly found club of people who have found hope in their lives!!

Time to change..Now!!